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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

Apple Tree Class Environmental Projects

Autumn Term

I will learn about and take care of animals.


- Apple Tree class learnt about animals that hibernate and created a safe place for a hedgehog to sleep. 

- Apple Tree class have been looking out for birds at Forest School and created bird feeders to hang in their gardens. 
- Apple Tree class have been looking for minibeasts and creating bug homes using dead wood. 

- Apple Tree class are excited to see if our wildlife camera captures any animals at our Forest School site... have a look at the videos uploaded on Oak's Environmental page!




Spring Term

I can plant seeds and help them grow


  • Apple Tree Class have planted various seeds at Forest School this term. They have learnt to care for them and have enjoyed seeing them grow. 
  • Apple Tree Class have dug and planted a wildflower garden this term to attract bees and butterflies. 
  • Apple Tree Class have made a fence around the wildflower garden to stop people treading on the flowers that are growing.
  • Apple Tree Class have also been very enthusiastic about finding minibeasts and about building minibeast hotels for the them!